In Memory of Romanian Dictators
Pampered from cradle to pedestal,
we rifle like wind through bamboo,
and we are dry. Our faces strain to mimic
those of the great lords of iron and radiation.
Our display of jackboots,
Praetorian appointment memos,
and presence chambers were enough
to force even Gogol to shiver before us.
Thousands labored in the mountain quarries
of eastern Europe to scaffold our claim.
Thousands more cuddled us.
Our noses carapaced out to stadium domes,
our mouths watered to moats, our eyes
sticky as gravity and dead on revolution.
What once was, will always be again.
However, we regret we cannot pause,
only give advice:
Seek not.
Be your own jury.
Name a comet after yourself.
Bio Note Michael Neff founded Web del Sol in 1994. He serves as its web developer, managing director, and editor-in-chief. His literary work has appeared in numerous magazines including American Way (First Annual Faux Faulkner Contest), North American Review, Pittsburgh Quarterly, Quarterly West, Conjunctions, Octavo, and The Literary Review.