WaveSon.net 8
repeating his beat, his cadence,
with my tail,
so opening a channel.
A channel only open, not a code, no
message, for him
to break. I fall away
from his design and say
to myself, so, we must meet apart
in a time
of no tomorrow, no pleading, no art,
time of waiting, a miracle mer-main
of hallucinated hearing.
Fin(-ger) to finger, I shiver,
am calm: the reef embraces the water
that wears it
Bio Note
Stephanie Strickland's manuscript, V, won the 2000 Alice Fay Di
Castagnola Award from the Poetry Society of America. Her Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot
won the 1999 Boston Review prize, and its Web version was chosen for an About.com Best of the Net award.
True North, her full-length hypertext poem from Eastgate Systems, won a Salt Hill Hypertext Prize.
She is the author of the print poetry volumes True North, The Red
Virgin: A Poem of Simone Weil, and Give the Body Back.